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“The ultimate goal of farming is not the growing of crops, but the cultivation and perfection of human beings.”

-Masanobu Fukuoka

At Solitude Farm, Auroville, we have been celebrating the rich local cuisine, community, and culture, as a way to honour Mother Earth. By implementing permaculture techniques, practising natural farming, and using natural resources while preserving traditional knowledge, we have been demonstrating a road back to nature.

Saturday Free Farm Tour!

Be a part of weekly farm tour to learn where your food come from.

Farm tour only on Saturdays at 11.30 AM.  Strictly closed on Sunday. For group and private bookings, there is a separate charge. Please email us at:

Saturday Free Farm Tour!

Be a part of weekly farm tour to learn where your food come from.

Farm tour only on Saturdays at 11.30. Strictly closed on Sunday. For group and private bookings, there is a separate charge. For private tours, please email:


Welcome to Solitude Farm Cafe

Farm fresh produce everyday! Vegetables, curries, salads, flowers, fruits and grains. A complete farm to table experience!

We invite you to taste the goodness of local foods and reduce your carbon footprint. Eating at Solitude is an act of love to Mother Nature.


Education at Solitude Farm is all  about reconnecting with local food. Local food is our nutritional heritage and at Solitude we help bring awareness and adoption of locally grown produce in our daily lives. Through initiatives like permaculture workshops, farm tours, and weekly mini-workshops, we empower people to rediscover and value the gifts of Mother Nature.

Permaculture Weekend Workshop

Join us on a road back to nature with this intensive and hands-on workshop that will empower you to start growing your own food and gain insight into knowing where your food comes from!


Solitude Saturdays

A permaculture exploration workshop series
Through this half day workshop we empower you to grow your own food, cook nourishing meals with native plants, create ‘take-home’ urban gardens, and prepare organic soap to enable waste water recycling.

Permaculture Weekend Workshop

Join us on a road back to nature with this intensive and hands-on workshop that will empower you to start growing your own food and gain insight into knowing where your food comes from!


Through this half day workshop s we empower you to grow your own food, cook nourishing meals with native plants, create ‘take-home’ urban gardens, and prepare organic soap to enable waste water recycling.

Farm Fresh Basket Service

A long term commitment to your health!

A weekly basket filled with a rainbow of seasonal fruits and vegetables, along with a unique salad kit to ensure a complete nutritional package. This basket is available to anyone from the bio-region. Pick up your basket from the cafe – Mondays, Wednesdays or Fridays.

Please email us at to book your basket.

Farm Fresh Basket Service

A long term commitment to your health!

A weekly basket filled with a rainbow of seasonal fruits and vegetables, along with a unique salad kit to ensure a complete nutritional package.

This basket is available to anyone from the bio-region. Pick up your basket from the cafe – Mondays, Wednesdays or Fridays. On Wednesdays, there is a delivery to Pondicherry.

Please email us on to book your basket.

Book an event with us

Host your wedding celebration, birthday party, corporate event, etc at Solitude Farm Cafe!

Under the trees with amazing local food, tailor made menus,flower syrups, smoothies, live music, bonfire – this will be an unforgettable experience.

Book an event with us

Host your wedding celebration, birthday party, corporate event, etc at Solitude Farm Cafe!

Under the trees with amazing local food, tailor made menus,flower syrups, smoothies, live music, bonfire – this will be an unforgettable experience.

Saturday Free Farm Tour

The free farm tour is a big attraction at Solitude Farm, an hour long interaction with Krishna himself, explaining the work done at Solitude farm and sharing a road back to Nature. The tour is followed by lunch at the farm cafe. If you are coming for the free farm tour, book your lunch in advance and get a free cooler!


The celebration of community, music and local food.

Sharing our work and passion over the last 30 years, the work of solitude farm has inspired many of us from all over the world to revalue local food, and explore a collective common value which is our relationship with mother nature and where our food comes from.

We celebrate mother earth’s love through dance, music, and sharing knowledge with the community.

Our Projects

Our commitment towards community.

Solitude Farm is on a mission to reconnect people with local food and reclaim their nutritional cultural identity. We want people to revalue forgotten foods and use them in their daily lives. Our vision is to spread this mantra throughout Auroville in the form of various projects.

Our Projects

Our commitment towards community.

Solitude Farm is on a mission to reconnect people with local food and reclaim their nutritional cultural identity. We want people to revalue forgotten foods and use them in their daily lives. Our vision is to spread this mantra throughout Auroville in the form of various projects.

365 Days Blog

Your road back to nature

Our daily inspirational blog: ” 365 days, a road back to Nature”, shares local food recipes, ayurvedic benefits, seed saving methods, DIY natural cosmetics and handmade soaps, waste water recycling techniques, growing and consuming edible weeds and the importance of community in the context of urban gardening and education. If you can’t get to the farm to experience our food directly, then empower yourself with “365” to start growing and making these foods yourself!

Support Us

The vast industrialisation of agriculture is rapidly destroying our world. Local food is a simple solution that undermines this loss of well-being.

Solitude Farm represents a road back to nature and we need your help to sustain our efforts and the projects we are running. If you would like to support mother nature and local food at Solitude Farm, please click below.

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How to start a food forest/ circle garden
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3 Day Intensive Permaculture Workshop

Learning Permaculture, natural farming and exploring local foods is the simplest solution we have to save our planet.

Book your slot now!

unfortunately our february month workshop is cancelled, you may sign up for march month