How to Get Started With a Sustainable Diet
December 7, 2021 2022-10-07 5:22How to Get Started With a Sustainable Diet
How to Get Started With a Sustainable Diet
Changing your diet to accommodate healthier and more sustainable options is a commitment to make and it is important to remember that you need to give yourself time to adjust to your new diet, before it becomes a habit. That being said, this switch can be made easier by approaching the same step by step. It is not practical to alter your entire meal plan over the course of a week, and making such huge changes might result in you quickly wanting to give this attempt up all together and fall back into old patterns.
So, to start off, consider decreasing your intake of animal products such as lamb, beef, cheese, pork and farmed salmon. These products have been identified as the least sustainable food items, and therefore the sooner they are off your plate, the better. After you have altered your diet this way and are mentally prepared to take the next step, slowly take out animal based products that you won’t miss from your diet and work your way up to products that you eat regularly. Incorporate more nuts, seeds and whole grains into your diet.
Once you’re comfortable with these changes, try and check the ingredients of all edibles you purchase and make sure that they don’t contain eggs, milk or any animal based products. This is a harder step to take, so ensure that you take it slowly, easing your way into the lifestyle. Try and find supplements or vegan alternatives to these products to make the transition easier. People have reported that vegan burgers, vegan cheeses, vegan hot dogs etc. have made the change a lot easier to commit to and keep up in the long term.
Sourcing locally grown organic food and incorporating them into your diet is also a viable option in eating healthy and sustainably. Solitude Farms has a range of home-cooked meals brought straight from the farm to your plate; it is one hundred percent organic, affordable and a step in the right direction in attaining a sustainable, yet fulfilling lifestyle.
By Sangamithra M
- Think who would read this and what would they expect from the title.
- Keywords
- Too broad – what are the intended takeaways
- Give specific examples and ideas which can be adopted (coconut milk)
Swamiy G
🌱Great Work 🔥